孙子兵法 Sunzi on the Art of War (汉英对照版 Chinese-English Edition)
孫子兵法 Sunzi on the Art of War (漢英對照版 Chinese-English Edition)
- 美国 App Store 书籍类精品聚焦第五位 (2011年10月20日)
- Featured #5 in Whats Hot in Books at USA App Store (Oct 20, 2011)
Support “one-touch conversion” between Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters.
本书的正文分为三部份, 分别是汉英对照、中文原文、英文译文。
This book is divided into three parts, namely the interleaved Chinese-English correspondence, the Chinese original, and the English translation.
中文原文相传为2500年前的著名军事家孙武所著, 英文译文则来自于英国汉学家 Lionel Giles 先生所翻译和评注、并在100年前出版的著作。
The Chinese original was attributed to the famous Chinese military strategist Sunzi, better known as Sun Tzu, around 2,500 years ago. The English translation was extracted from a book with both translation and commentary published 100 years ago by the sinologist Lionel Giles.
本书的编者嬴实先生对原文逐字逐句精心校对, 调整了标点符号和分段, 从而优化了汉英文句的一一对应。此外, 又以汉语拼音替代了译文原来的 Wade-Giles 拼音。
The editor of this ebook version, Stone Ying, did a careful word-by-word proofreading of multiple variations of the Chinese original, and corrected some punctuations and paragraph divisions so as to optimize the Chinese-English correspondence. Moreover, the Wade-Giles romanizations of Chinese names originally appeared in the English translation were replaced by their modern Hanyu-Pinyin equivalents.
本书适宜精读, 以领悟孙子兵法的智慧, 亦有助提高读者的英语水平和理解文言原文的能力。
This book is intended for intensive reading in order to comprehend the wisdom of Sunzi. It will also help you improve your reading comprehension in both English and classical Chinese.
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